Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday clean up...

This week is a bust... But i'll make up for it next week with a full chapter of Electric Monk and a bunch of finished work...Maybe including a full color entry to my blog! Wow.

Here are some really bad scans of some old sketchbook work. Look for someof these characters in future finished work! (again sorry for the crappy scans)

Again... more cool stuff next week!
PS. I just read a really nicely written blog post about the Yezidi people of northern Iraq. Check this out: . Even though I find this writing about these people beautiful and serene. A Yezidi tribe stoned a young Yezidi woman to death for marring a Muslim man. Not even a isolated group such as the Yezidi are immune to the paternal ego driven violence.


The Girl With Too Much Time said...

Hey, it's nice to find people that write comics.
You're work is great, you're really talented. It's people like you that made me want to be a comic book writer. And you're chracter Sebastion looks awesome, I look forward to seeing more of him.
Oh and thanks for the comment.

omarvelazquez said...

hi, thks for visit me blog, mmm i think in traduce to english the comics!!!

greetings for mexico, i recomended vsit too, some comics here are traduced,,,,