Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm Batman

Hope everyone is enjoying my daily posts; I have been on a roll lately with my new pens and a new pad of Bristol board. It's nice to actually be producing finished work instead of doodling in my sketchbook. But in all reality those old sketchbooks are a gold mine when I'm looking for ideas for finished work!

While I was drawing this picture, I was thinking about the way that Bruce Timm the design artist of "Batman: the animated series" draws batman. He draws Batman almost exclusively in the shadows. The 90% shadow technique is perfect for the Batman persona; he should stay in the shadows because your imagination can create more scary stuff than what is really in reality. Thus why the best horror flicks show you nothing, just imply and use nasty sounds. That's why "Alien" is my favorite horror movie because they kept the creature to the shadows.

I also thought of this YouTube vid: I'm batman
Watch all the way to the end to know what I am talking about!


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