Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Klaatu Barada Nikto...

This is Gort the robot protector of Klaatu in the old 1950's movie "The day the earth stood still." A friend of mine mentioned that they were thinking of remaking the sci-fi classic. Which sounds like kinda cool, then he said that Keanu Reeves was up for the Klaatu part... ahhggggg...nevermind. Ha!

So I sat down and said the words to stop the behemoth robot "Klaatu Barada Nikto" and drew this from my memory of the robot. After I was done I looked up Gort on the internet and was amazed I remembered the visor and his belt design. But I did remember him being much more hulking, thus his proportion.

Wanted to mention that the Japanese festival was awesome, but I left my camera at home so sorry no Japanese Festival pics. We saw the Sumo wrestlers, a geisha presentation, and partook of the asian food, yummy.

And I bought this really cool samurai shirt!
That's all for Tuesday, folks.
More the rest of the week!

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